Tuesday, November 20, 2012

1 month old

Obviously this post is a little late, but I still wanted to get this information down.

It's amazing how fast time goes, it's also amazing how much our little girl is changing these days. We absolutely love her. We had a doctors appointment last week and here are her stats:
  • Weight: 9 lbs 6 oz (80%)
  • Height: 22 1/4 inch (95%)
So as far as I'm concerned our little girl is an absolute angel.
  • She absolutely loves to take a bath.
  • She has been sleeping probably 5 to 6 hours straight at night. That also means that I'm sleeping 5 to 6 hours straight at night.
  • She is an excellent little eater.
Like I said we absolutely love her, because she acts like a little angel, but she is also so cute!

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