Thursday, August 14, 2008

10 weeks to go...

So I started studying again... no I didn't decide to go back to school, but I decided to finally start studying for the Professional Engineering Exam that I will be taking at the end of October. I will be taking the test in California in hopes to pass the test there... and then in another 2 years I will be able to transfer my license to Arizona. I'll admit I was a little overwhelmed last night when I started studying, but at least of started.


Laura said...

how exciting!

Heidi said...

hey Shelly, I just realized that my address list is conspicuously missing your name! It's probably my bad completely. (Who says "my bad" these days?...I am lame.) Could you e-mail your address to me?

Melanie said...

Good luck on the upcoming studying. When you pass it do you get to add "Professional Engineer" to your name? That would be pretty cool. Shell-bell The Professional Engineer.
I like it.

shell-bell said...

I actually will get to add "Professional Engineer" to my name, but I'm not sure how I feel about that yet... a little scary but exciting at the same time.