Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Arches National Park

Wednesday morning we left Mesa Verde and were on the road again for Arches National Park. It actually wasn't too long to a trip. We got to Arches in plenty of time to set up camp, and go for a hike. Our camp spot at Arches was really cool. The camp ground is near Devil's Garden in the park. All the camp spots had lots of sand. It did make it a little more comfortable to sleep. After setting up camp we went for a hike in Devil's Garden. The hike around Devil's Garden was beautiful. The first place that we saw in Devil's Garden was the Landscape Arch. It's one of the largest span arches.
The weather was perfect for hiking around. The sun would shine and than it would rain on us. Then the sun would shine again enough to dry us out.
After hiking past Landscape Arch we continued on the trail to Partition Arch and Navajo Arch. Up the trail by those two we found a cool little over look of Landscape Arch. It was actually a place where you could look down from above the Landscape Arch. The only downside was that it was on top of the rocks. It got a little scary so I had to sit down so that I didn't blow over.
From there we headed out to Double O Arch. We actually almost missed the arch, because we were trying to follow the rock carins. We finally made it to the Arch and it was definitely worth it. From there we headed back to camp to have dinner. We had to eat dinner quickly only because we wanted to make it up to Delicate Arch for sunset. It's suppose to be the best time to see the arch.
I was actually amazed at how fast we made it up to the arch. From what I remember the trail was really long, but I think we actually made it up the trail in about 30 minutes. We made it up there in plenty of time to see the sunset. The only problem was that there were lots of low clouds in the sky, so it blocked the direct sunlight unto the arch. We sat up by the arch for a while just enjoying the view and weather. We headed back down just as it was getting dark. We'd done a lot of walking on Wednesday so we just went back to camp and crashed. Thursday morning we woke up and took down camp. Then we were back on the road again. The only place that we stopped on the way out was Balanced Rock. It is amazing how the rock was balanced so perfectly on the other rock.
I'm so glad that we made the trip to Arches, because it was beautiful. If you ever get the opportunity to make it out that direction you should definitely take it.

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