Monday, May 3, 2010

Mormon Messages: The Blessings of the Temple

Our lesson in Relief Society yesterday was about the blessings we receive from the temple. We have enough sisters in our ward that we were able to split into two groups, those who have yet to receive their endowments and those who have. In my group (those who have received their endowment) we basically just talked about the strength and blessings that we have seen come to our lives because of regular temple attendance. I love the knowledge that I have of eternal families. As I sit in the celestial room I always feel surrounded by the love of the Lord. To me the love that I feel there is the love that we should have for our families and since we are all members of the Heavenly Father's family that is the love that we should have for all people.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I love, Love, LOVE the thoughts you posted on your blog. ALL of them! Thank for the uplift today!