Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Weekend Project

So this weekends projects was new for me. For Christmas I got a night stand and book shelf for my room that I had to stain. I wanted to stain them to match the bed board that I got from my parents. Recently my parents got a new bed and so they no longer needed the headboard... so since I didn't have one I claimed it. Staining is a new thing for me... it was quite the process. First you have to stain one coat... than another coat... then two coats of varnish. Here is the end result of the book shelf.
Here is the night stand and the headboard.
This is the other project that I worked on this weekend... I got a peg board so that I could organize all the tools in my garage. It's so nice to have an organized garage.


Dad said...

Looks like the project turned out well, congrats. -Dad

Diana and Scott said...

Nice job. I think you have a nicer peg board than Scott. He'll be jealous.

Austin said...

What!?! You can fit all of your tools on the peg board? Obviously, you need more tools. :)