Friday, July 27, 2012

June Books

So I actually read two books during the month of June. They were both really good.

The first book was The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner. He is a NPR foriegn correspondent who spends a year traveling to different countries to try to determine what makes the different countries happy. It's was an interesting view of countries around the world and about how happiness is viewed. I think that one of my favorites was when he talked about happiness being at home. I can definitely relate to this idea. 
The second book that I read was Heaven is Here by Stephanie Nielson. If you follow blogs at all you may know Stephanie Nielson from her blog NieNie. This book was a little said, but an amazing story of growth and recovery. Stephanie Nielson and her husband were in a horrible plane crash a few years ago. In this plane crash both were horribly injured, their bodies were covered in major burns. The book is written in three sections. The first is about Stephanie and her life before the accident. The second part of the book is about the accident and the initial recovery time that was spent in the hospital. The third part of the book is about her continued recovery at home. I think one thing that was amazing about this book is that it was honestly a struggle for her, but she turned to her family and to Jesus Christ to strengthen her. It was amazing to read her story and how her life changed. 

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