Sunday, July 1, 2012

Baby Update

So there are a couple other things that I wanted to post before I got to this one, but I figure this is the one that most people are interested in anyways.

We reached the 30 week mark in my pregnancy this week. So according to the app on Dan's phone that we've been following our little girl weighs approximately 3 pounds and is about 15.5 inches long. I can definitely feel that she is taking up more space in my belly. No long are her kicks gentle taps, they are getting stronger and stronger. There have even been a couple times this week that it feels like her head is just sitting in a certain spot, because when I feel my stomach there is a hard round spot. She is definitely running out of space, but making more space, by causing my stomach to grow.

Things are still going really well for me with the pregnancy still. Short of the fact that none of my clothes really fit anymore, and I haven't found a great place to purchase maternity clothes, I can't complain. That and on certain days that I eat too much, I'll end up with a little bit of heartburn at night. It's nothing a pepcid can't resolve, but I'm thankful that I don't get heartburn on a regular basis. That and I think the heat of Phoenix is finally getting to me, I always seem to be warm no mater what I do. It makes me incredibly thankful for air conditioning. I have a couple coworkers who think that my pregnancy is going too easy, which I definitely won't complain about.  

In other news we picked up a swing from Craigslist (probably our favorite place to look for baby stuff). We were super excited about this find, because it was in great condition and it's one of the swings that swings in both directions.

Still haven't had any luck in finding fabric to make the quilt for the baby's room. I find that my problem often lies in the fact that I get in my head exactly what I want and when I can't find it I get discouraged. I just need to spend some time out looking for fabric and decide what to do.

Anyways things are going really well and we are super excited to welcome our little girl into the world in a few short weeks.


Camille said...

Shelly you are so darn cute! Love this update and I can't believe you are 30 weeks!! We have that exact same swing! Love it. Also. Try or for fabric...maybe you will have more luck there. I have bought from both. Good luck!

Laura said...

We have one of those swings too! It's been wonderful so that I know my youngest is sleeping safely and cannot get moved around by her siblings! Now that she's a little older, she doesn't sleep in it anymore, but it DOES calm her down when she can swing in it, and see herself in the little mirror, and reach for the hanging toys. Good swing choice!

Amee said...

You're cute Shell! Love that belly! :)